+30% Conversion rate
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Go Places achieves volume, visibility and profitability with Bidnamic’s automation
+52% ROAS
Kally Sleep reduces CPA by 24% with Bidnamic's machine learning, human thinking technology
+81% Impressions
Norman Records reduced CPC by 47% using Bidnamic’s machine learning and improved visibility
+224% Revenue
Holcros increased overall Google Shopping revenue by 224% and Search Ads revenue by 32%
+44% ROAS
Engel Coolers increases ROAS by 44% with automation, gaining a full service growth partner
+37% Brand share
REFY launch Google Shopping with Bidnamic’s machine learning, human thinking management
+469% Revenue
Three Zero increase their revenue 469% YoY using Bidnamic’s Targeted Search Term algorithm
+153% Conversions
Insight Cordless Lighting boosts conversions by 153% YoY using Bidnamic’s automated platform
+106% Conversions
Eden Mill achieve a 106% increase in conversions using Bidnamic’s SKU level bidding
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