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Most SKUs on Google Shopping generate a loss or get no visibility

Are you maximizing revenue and margins from every SKU?

Calculating the right bid for every single SKU

Shopping campaigns usually group products together, limiting the scope for optimization

What happens when you group your products on Google Shopping?

Bidnamic enables you to optimize every SKU
in your Shopping catalog

Manual bid management means dividing your products into groups and using broad average values to determine your bids.

Product level

By avoiding product-grouping, we can ensure the right bid every time without impacting your visibility.

Bidnamic provides each client with an extensive but easy-to-understand data dashboard, including high intent search terms and conversion data.

Full catalog

We don't just push your best sellers. Instead, we match every product to the right searches. 

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Maximizing revenue
and profitability

With our technology, you can increase campaign performances and sell-through for your whole catalogue.

Start optimizing today

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Unlock your SKU level data dashboard

Your data is still the best asset to make informed key business decisions. We help out by providing the right information for your needs.

We provide dedicated client success managers to advise you every step of the way, allowing you to focus on what matters the most - growing your business.

Learn more

Google Shopping best practices and insights

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